Studies and reports
Studies & Reports
For those interested, we provide additional policy documents, feasibility assessments, research reports and articles that cover all aspects of Onshore Power Supply.
For the results of the initial WPCAP WG3 survey, click here.
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- Policy
- Feasibility assessments
- Deployment reports
- Research reports
- Archive
European Union; recommendation for OPS (2006)
No Net Increase Task Force Report (2005)
No Net Increase Task Force Report (2005)
ARB; evaluation Californian ports (2006)
European Comission; an Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union (2007)
Espo; position paper regard shore side electricity (2008)
CARB; FACTS ABOUT At-Berth Ocean-Going Vessels Regulation (2008)
Feasability studies
TSI Terminal Systems; Cold Ironing Feasability Study Vancouver (2007)
Royal Haskoning; Haalbaarheidsstudie walstroom voor cruiseschepen Rotterdam (2007)
Royal Haskoning; Haalbaalbaarheidsonderzoek Walstroom Amsterdam (2008)
Royal Haskoning- Haalbaarheidsstudie Walstroom voor Cruiseschepen Havenbedrijf Rotterdam (2007)
Port of Rotterdam Authority; Alternative Maritime Power in the Port of Rotterdam (2006)
Mariterm; shore side electricity for ships in ports
Environ; Cold ironing cost effectiveness study (2004)
ENTEC; Shoreside Electricity (2005)
ABB; Master thesis shore-side power supply (2008)
PRC; Tourist facilities in ports; The economic factor (2009)
PRC; Tourist facilities in port; The environment factor (2009)
PlanBureau voor de leefomgeving; Factsheet Walstroom Zeeschepen (2006)
ENTEC; costs and effects of NOx abatement techniques (2005)
ENTEC; costs and effects of SOx abatement techniques (2005)
DGMR; Acoustic Investigation Ceres Terminal Amsterdam (2010)
WPCI- Results from the questionnaire on Onshore Power Supply (2010)
AAPA Use of Shore-side Power for Ocean-going Vessels (2007)
C40 & WPCI; Guidence document Onshore Power Supply (2008)
Landstormversorgung von Kreuzfarthschiffen (2009)
Bunkerspot; Cold ironing = hot topic (2006)
Greenport Journal; Antwerp launches unique trail project with shore power for seagoing ships (2009)
SAM Electronics; We Are Connecting Ships With Onshore Power Supply (2009)
Nothern Maritime University; Ship-emissions in harbours Shore-side electricity (2009)
MTG; Landstromversorgung von Marineschiffen (2009)
Stadtwerke Kiel; Landstromversorgung von Schiffen im Hafen (Cold Ironing)
Seehafen KIEL; Landstromversorgung
World Ports Climate Initiative; Onshore Power Supply (OPS) (2009)
Altran, CCI; General conclusions of the 8 October workshop on Onshore Power Supply in Hamburg (2008)GREEN WAVE; Environmental innovations for sustainable development Shoreside electricity for vessels in the port of goteborg
Baltic Journal; Cold Ironing can reduce air pollution and noise at the port (2008)
Bunker Spot; Cold Credentials (2009)
Altran, CCI; General conclusions of the 8 October workshop on Onshore Power Supply in Hamburg (2008)Altran, CCI; Notes of the Shore Power workshop 8 October (2008)
OPS Workshop 2, Gothenburg 13 November (2008)
Duurzame Haven; Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (2008)
Port of Goteborg; Shore-side Electricity for Ships!
The Swedisch Club Letter; Cold ironing cust costs and emissions for Stena Line (2009)
Port of Gothenburg; Examining the Commercial Viability of Cold Ironing (2009)
WPCI- Results from the OPS questionnaire (2009)
NYK Group CSR report; OPS position (2009)
Port of Rotterdam- Onshore power supply ”let stay connected” (2010)
Projekt Gron Kemi; Clean solutions for ships, examples form the port of Goteborg (2006)
NG2 Shore power strategy (2010)