CMA CGM is a world leader in shipping and logistics. With a fleet of more than 400,000 TEUs of reefer containers and 300,000 reefer plugs on board of its ships, CMA CGM is the second largest...
River Cooling is an innovative environmental technology developed by Interxion that uses water-based free cooling. It uses the water from an old industrial facility to cool the data centres MRS2 and MRS3 (based in Marseille) by...
For each and every boat, whether a cruise ship or not, on-board waste management is a real problem. Among the waste produced on board, wastewater represents in average a daily volume of 1900 m3 for a...
Port stakeholders are in need of data science solutions. The SPEED project (Smart Ports Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development) wants to improve port logistics in the 2 Seas area Belgium, France, the Netherlands and England by using new...
PIXEL is the first modular solution combining strong methodology and smart technology for small and medium port ecosystems enabling optimization of operations through Internet of Things (IoT) while reducing environmental impact. PIXEL monitors in real-time the...
Data related to the CO2 footprint of shipping routes is nowadays just as relevant as the price of transport as it influences the choices of manufacturers and traders. Born in Hamburg, the start-up Searoutes has anchored...
Power to Gas is the transformation of electrical current into gas through electrolysis of water. Such a process can enable a form of storing of the excess renewable energy, that currently gets wasted, through its use...
The Port of Marseille-Fos provides Onshore Power Supply (OPS) for ships at berth and constantly looks at expanding its OPS connections network. Already for many years, the port was providing low voltage (400 volts in 50...
The ‘Délégation Interministérielle au développement de l’axe portuaire et logistique Méditerranée-Rhône-Saône’ has entrusted a group of national and regional stakeholders with carrying out a first land-sea logistics experiment. Promoted by the ‘Banque des Territoires, the ‘Voies...