Port of Hamburg

Clean energy for the environment

Air quality is an important topic for the city and Port of Hamburg. In supporting the Clean Air Action Plan of the city of Hamburg, the Hamburg Port Authority wants to improve the local air quality. Among other actions, the Hamburg Port Authority is promoting the use of environmentally friendly fuels. LNG is one option to reach emission targets and to improve the living quality for the residents.


LNG facilities

Several actions are already taken which include the use of LNG in the port area. The LNG barge ‘Hummel’ can provide alternative power produced by LNG driven generators to cruise ships at berth. Further, ships have the opportunity to fuel LNG while at berth instead of burning fuel oil which creates much higher emissions. If ships are using these facilities or burn LNG onboard, the Hamburg Port Authority rewards this with a port specific financial incentive. Better environmental performance of ships in the Port of Hamburg leads to a financial discount of the port usage fees.


In 2018, the PowerPac is tested in the Port of Hamburg which shall become implemented at terminals in order to provide shore power to ships produced by LNG driven generators. For the demand of LNG bunkering, ships can be bunkered by trucks and from end 2018 onwards, a bunkerbarge will be available to cover the demand for large amounts of LNG.



Harbour police and the harbour master´s office will themselves specify the preliminary safety regulations for bunker procedures and filling procedures of shore side LNG terminals as the authorities are responsible for regulating the handling of dangerous goods. Special permits will be granted for bunkering until the port regulations are amended. The objective is to allow bunkering of LNG with permanent permits.


For more information click here  https://www.hamburg-port-authority.de/en/themenseiten/lng-shoreside-power/


or contact:


Linda Hastedt, Environmental Strategy

Hamburg Port Authority

Neuer Wandrahm 4

D-20457 Hamburg

Phone +49 40 42847-4176
