World Ports Climate Action Program

The five WPCAP actions are divided in five working groups. By sharing knowledge, developing joint projects, developing policy and involving the shipping sector in this, the ports expect to be able to achieve more concrete progress than if ports do this individually.
In the summer of 2019 the Action Plans of the Working Groups were approved. The Action Plan includes, amongst other things, a description of the scope of the Working Group and a timeline of actions/milestones set over a time period of 5 years (2019-2023). These actions consists of increasing awareness/ a model/ pilots/ research. The actions are quantifiable and measurable and set on the baseline or in a specific timeframe in order to track and ‘check off’ the activities each year. Moreover the actions are applicable worldwide and could function as a blueprint for other projects/ports (scale up).
As leading ports, we have demonstrated in recent months, even in these pressing times (under the COVID situation), our ability to grow closer to each other. The WPCAP experts have been accelerating their work in order to raise the bar: they are working on specific climate actions in addition to the existing action plans.
WPCAP experts have presented their proposals at high level meetings, which have been moved online to accomodate for COVID-19 restrictions. A subsequent high-level meeting will occur in October of 2021. As restrictions are lessened, high-level meetings in person will now be rescheduled to occur in 2022.
Here is an overview of the ports actively involved in the specific Working Groups (WG’s). The ports in italics represent the team leader(s) of the Group:
WG 1 : EFFICIENCY – Los Angeles, Rotterdam, Valencia, Vancouver
WG 2 : POLICY – Antwerp, Hamburg, Gothenburg, Le Havre, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Rotterdam, Valencia, Vancouver, Yokohama
WG 3 : POWER2SHIP – Antwerp, Hamburg, Le Havre, Los Angeles, Rotterdam, Valencia, Vancouver
WG 4 : FUELS – Antwerp, Barcelona, Gothenburg, Le Havre, New York/New Jersey, Rotterdam, Vancouver, Yokohama
WG 5 : CARGO HANDLING EQUIPMENT – Long Beach, Los Angeles, New York/New Jersey, Valencia, Vancouver, Yokohama
Collaboration with stakeholders
The participants in the World Ports Climate Action Program will work in close collaboration with stakeholders inside and outside the maritime sector. This includes creating synergies with current initiatives such as the IAPH Clean Marine Fuels Working Group, IAPH Environmental Shipping Index Working Group and Taskforce Port Call Optimization. This World Ports Sustainability Program Platform will be used for dissemination of the outcomes of the various WPCAP working group actions, as well as for knowledge sharing and progress reports.
WPCAP ports take new series of climate change actionsWPCAP ports aligned in series of climate change actionsView the WPCAP declaration