With high ambitions and clear goals in combination with regularly monitoring, all compiled in an annual sustainability report, the Ports of Stockholm believe that the action to reduce climate impact will be increased. Since 2012, the Ports of Stockholm produce an externally audited sustainability report according to GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). In the report you find targets, measures and achievements.
Targets (examples)
- Reduction of energy use in our own business (at firsthand our buildings) by 50 per cent over the period 2005 to 2025
- Zero fossil fuels carbon dioxide emissions from our own business by 2025
- Increased use by ship-owners and tenants of our environmentally beneficial services (e.g. waste and black/grey water facilities)
Measures (examples)
- We offer environmentally differentiated port fees, an incentive that encourage ship-owners to use ships with higher environmental prestanda. The incentive focuses on emissions to air and the discount is given to ships that are certified according to an environmental index (at present the Clean Shipping Index) and by points within the classes carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides. Our aim is that also smaller improvements will lead to a better environmental discount.
- Connecting to shore-provided electricity reduces the impact (noise and air pollution) of vessels on the surrounding environment. We offer onshore power supply at several quays in our ports. Vessels that are renovated to enable shore-provided electricity connection can receive a grant of SEK 1 million.
- To make energy consumption more visible, we have installed energy monitoring meters for vessels and buildings. Knowledge of the amount of energy used, makes ship-owners, tenants and ourselves more aware of the need of economizing.
- We use a systematic work for increasing energy efficiency. Our work includes measures such as operation optimizations, adjustments of energy systems, switch to LED-lighting and energy saving installations.
- We invest in solar cell systems to increase the use of alternative energy sources and self-produced energy. There are currently five solar cell systems in our port areas and we have a strategy for continued development.
- During 2017 we switched to a more environmentally friendly truck fuel. The diesel has a higher content of renewable fuel, containing HVO (Hydrogenated vegetable oils).
- Vehicles used in our own business shall mainly be “green” vehicles and run on gas, electricity or ethanol or be hybrids.