In December 2023, the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea (PNAIS) has launched in the Port of Taranto a one-of-a-kind service – the first at national level – named “Integrated environmental monitoring of Taranto port area”. The aim of the project is to monitor the entire port area through a network of homogeneously distributed stations/measuring points, by which it is possible to systematically monitor and measure over time a defined set of parameters concerning all the environmental indicators of interest in the Port of Taranto. These include sea water and groundwater quality, air quality, noise, soil and sediment quality, flora and fauna, filter feeders, and benthos.
Respectively, the project places thorough attention to air pollution and noise, while also addressing water pollution, protecting freshwater resources, addressing soil and sediment contamination, protecting habitats and enhancing biodiversity. Environmental care is a key priority for the Port Authority, and this tool represents the diamond tip to convert the Port of Taranto into a smart and green port.
The data collected will be shared with the various stakeholders through a web portal/platform, allowing both internal and external stakeholders involved to have an accurate insight on the environmental state of the port area. This project will foster the development of new business models that reconcile maritime tradition with new engagements on sustainability, with the priority to promote the transition towards a more circular and competitive economy in the port, focusing primarily – but not exclusively – on energy and environmental planning and care.
The project is partly funded by the Action and Cohesion Programme (ACP) “Infrastructures and Networks” 2014-2020 funds, Action Line 5 of Axis D, co-funded by the European Union (ACP Co-financing: € 8,865,312.29, Port Authority funds: € 5.134.687,71) and will be completed in 2026.