In 2017, the Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd (PBPL) partnered with DHI and Force Technology to develop NCOS Online – world-leading technology that provides a near real-time seven-day detailed forecast of environmental conditions and a vessel’s under keel clearance (UKC). NCOS Online has delivered significant environmental outcomes with the technology supporting substantial UKC improvements and playing a pivotal role in increasing in the capacity of the Port of Brisbane’s navigational channel that include:
- increasing vessel LOA by 13.6% to 350 metres and vessel beam by 11.1% to 50m
- potentially delaying significant capital dredging projects
- enabled PBPL to accommodate larger vessels at the Port of Brisbane, resulting in reduced transit times and improved shipping efficiency for customers and the subsequent reduction in vessel emissions
- providing a greater level of accuracy in vessel behaviour for the Harbour Master.
Leveraging NCOS Online, PBPL (with Seaport OPX) is developing and trialing additional capability (“modules”), aimed at reducing environmental impacts and improving shipping efficiency relating to:
- Climate Change
- Sustainable Sediment
- Vessel Emission Reduction (Green Button)
- Cargo Loading Optimisation
- Vessel Swept Path.
The modules will be used regularly to inform and improve operational decisions as well as project planning; distinct from historical approaches where modelling is typically undertaken during the planning phase of a project. It will deliver major benefits to PBPL, our customers and supply chain partners.
The Climate Change Module (in use) delivers a modelling tool that allows PBPL to determine, on an ‘as needs’ basis, the risk of various climate change parameters (sea level, flood level and severity, storm severity, and storm surge impacts) on physical port infrastructure. The Sustainable Sediment Module (under development) allows PBPL to better understand the sediment dynamics throughout the Port’s critical maritime infrastructure. The Vessel Emission Reduction ‘Green Button’ module (under development) will provide a recommended speed to the vessel Master that ensures the vessel arrives on time while minimising emissions – specific to the vessel class and actual weather conditions.