Port Authority of Valencia – Optimizing port call processes

Pilot tests of a PortCDM concept (Collaborative Decision Making) showed that only between 40% to 65% of ships’ turnaround time at port, depending on the ship type, is dedicated to loading and unloading operations, This confirms that there is significant room for improvement in optimizing port call processes that would in turn reduce emissions and environmental impact.

This project consisted of the deployment and adaptation of the technological solution developed by SEAPort Solutions, PAULA, based on PortCDM concept principles, for the optimization of port call operations at the three ports managed by the Port Authority of Valencia, Valencia, Sagunto and Gandía. It focused on implementing the PAULA platform in the real operational environment of these three ports, with the support of the key entities involved in port call processes such as technical-nautical service providers (pilots, mooring and tugboats), terminal operators and shipping agents, in order to reach the technological maturity level nine (TRL 9) and demonstrate the benefits of digital data exchange for improving the situational awareness.

The solution proposed by SEAPort aims to improve efficiency of port call processes through shared digital information by means of international standard (IALA-S211 and DCSA), system integration and the creation of a framework for collaboration among all the agents involved in these calls, facilitating the process of monitoring and follow-up, reducing risks and waiting times and improving the sustainability and competitiveness of the logistics-port chain.

Assuming an average saving of 7 minutes per port call in line with the results of the STM Validation project, the use of this solution could avoid an average of 457 kg of CO2 emissions per port call. Considering 6000 port calls per year, an amount of 2742 tonnes of CO2 would be avoided per year, equivalent to the electricity consumption of 1152 European households. The project was funded by the Ports 4.0 programme.