JadeWeserPort & Niedersachsen Ports teams are working jointly together on exploring the potentials of using hydrogen in ports. The aim of the “WASh2Emden” project is to study the technical and economic feasibility of converting the port of Emden into an energy-hub, that; relies on renewable energy based on hydrogen, in addition to supplying and distributing ‘green’ hydrogen to the region. The seaport of Emden will serve as a real laboratory for experimenting the innovative and environmentally friendly Hydrogen Applications, with the goal of reducing the emissions from; port operations, logistics in port and the hinterland, and from vessels calling the port.
Various supply/storage options are being investigated and assessed from technical, logistical and economical point of views. Supply options include but are not limited to utilizing the regionally available surplus electricity of wind farms, which is very abundant around the Emden region and is currently not being used due to network bottlenecks. The storage of surplus electricity in the form of hydrogen can contribute effectively to the energy transition and to the reduction of the port’s carbon footprint.
The Consortium comprises 5 partners; Niedersachsen Ports (the lead partner of the project), Tyczka, DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik, abh Ingenieur-Technik, and MARIKO. The project is supported by the Innovative Port Technologies (IHATEC) funding program of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). A comprehensive feasibility study will be carried out in six work packages with 25 measures, over an 18-month project period. If the results are positive, the project will be the starting point for Emden’s development into a “hydrogen port”; in Germany. A demonstration of a green hydrogen supply chain is planned to follow the feasibility study. The project officially kicked-ff on February 21st, 2019.