New Owendo International Port (NOIP) has committed to having carbon-neutral operations on its lines of business. Following this commitment, we planned in 2020 to first tackle our scope 1 and 2 emissions by decarbonizing and reducing our fuel consumption. NOIP is thus steering a range of ambitious initiatives: these include investing in the electrification of cranes, improving energy efficiency, and developing waterway transport of containers to reduce fuel consumption by shifting transport operations from road to barge.
NOIP’s engagement towards neutral carbon operations started by converting mobile harbor cranes from fossil fuel to electricity. Now all four cranes are fully converted to electricity, with three of them having been commissioned in the third quarter of 2022. This switch is set to give a reduction in consumption of Diesel approx. 13.5 – 15MT per month. This equates to a 78% reduction in CO2 emissions per cycle (from 4,5 kgCO2 emissions per cycle to 1.0 kgCO2).
As a measure to reduce our carbon footprint in the transport segment, NOIP has diverted some road traffic of containers to waterways. To achieve this, ARISE Group has invested in constructing a jetty at the containers’ origin point, taking barges to connect containers with NOIP (Arise P&L). This conversion will give us less diesel consumption, less carbon emissions, and reduced traffic on roads & risks.
The target is to redirect 1000 containers per month from road to waterways, which will cut down the overall travel distance of 44K Miles on the road with total consumption of 46 MT of Diesel. The first estimation indicates that this conversion may extend net saving of 34MT Diesel per month and 17 kg CO2 per container. When the monthly target of 1000 containers is reached, we will have a significant impact of 17 000 kgCO2 avoided monthly. We have already achieved 595 containers as on 24th May 2023.