Fiji Ports – Improving air quality with an electric waste incinerator

Fiji Ports is fully committed to environmental care, integrating sustainability into every aspect of its operations to protect and preserve the natural environment. In alignment with the strategic initiatives of its Green Port Master Plan, Fiji Ports has recently procured and commissioned a state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly waste incinerator.

Traditionally, the incineration process released harmful toxic gases into the atmosphere causing an environment hazard in Fiji Ports operations. In response to this situation, Fiji Ports has strategically invested in an environmentally friendly electric incinerator designed to significantly reduce air borne emissions. This advanced technology utilizes a two-chambered system. This two-stage process effectively neutralizes harmful toxins, resulting in the emission of a significantly cleaner residual gas.

Acknowledging the interrelations between environmental health and employee well-being, Fiji Ports prioritizes clean air initiatives. This commitment extends beyond the workplace, encompassing the surrounding community. The strategic investment in a state-of-the-art incinerator offers a two-fold benefit. Firstly, it significantly reduces the volume of waste requiring landfill disposal, aligning with Fiji Ports broader sustainability goals. Secondly, by achieving demonstrably high combustion temperatures of 1200°C, the incinerator ensures compliance with stringent national air quality standards. This forward-thinking approach safeguards the well-being of our employees, the local community, and the environment for future generations.

Furthermore, the implementation of this environmentally friendly incinerator aligns with Fiji’s broader commitment to the Stockholm Convention. As a signatory to this international environmental treaty, Fiji actively participates in efforts to eliminate or restrict the production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). POPs are a class of harmful organic chemical substances, characterized by their resistant carbon-based structure. By adopting this advanced incineration technology, Fiji Ports demonstrably contributes to the national effort to minimize POPs and safeguard human and environmental health.