Busan Port Authority – Integrated Platform for Port Logistics Information

Busan Port’s Chainportal is an integrated platform for port logistics-related information share. Over the past few years, transshipment volumes and related costs have increased significantly at Busan Port. While this growth is exciting for the port’s status as a global transshipment hub, optimal efficiency is key to secure scaled productivity and international competitiveness.

To this end, Busan Port launched its Chainportal; an integrated, block-chain based platform to synergize and enhance the operation of port logistics. Chainportal provides three, key services: Integrated Information Share (IIS), the Transshipment Shuttle System (TSS), and Vehicle Booking System (VBS).

By allowing the secure sharing of vessel details, berth statuses, truck locations and terminal congestions and potential bottlenecks, IIS aims to significantly cut the time and costs involved in the transshipment of cargo between piers at the six terminals of Busan New Port, and three terminals of Busan North Port. Users are also able to submit and receive responses regarding advanced check ins, empty containers, berth allocations, and more.

Chainportal also includes the world’s first Transshipment Shuttle System (TSS), that links terminal and forwarder information in advance, automatically grouping orders and allocating containers so as to minimize inefficiencies and disruption to services. During its pilot period, the use of the TSS group order feature reduced truck waiting time by 25%. Other anticipated benefits include improved service schedule reliability, better productivity when unloading, and higher hourly throughput. These developments are expected to increase Busan Port’s transshipment rates by 5%, or 66.5 million USD, per year, while lowering transshipment shuttle costs by 50%, or 11.2 million USD.

The Vehicle Booking System (VBS) is the first in Korea of its kind. By encouraging trucks to log their off-peak times, the system allows for the optimized allocation of available transport for cargo, in advance. The use of this VBS since 2020 has led to a reduction in trucks’ waiting times at the port by 15.3%, and increased productivity at the port by 5%, or 42 million USD per year.

Full rollout of Chainportal at Busan Port and all ports in Korea is expected to take until 2028, with the eventual model including upgraded, AI-powered features, putting Busan Port at the forefront of the digitalization and innovation in port logistics.