Port of Vancouver
Port of Vancouver
The Port of Vancouver has a vision to be the world’s most sustainable port. A key aspect of attaining that vision, is ensuring the use of sustainable low carbon marine fuels by vessels calling our port. To support the decarbonization transition, we have a growing number of initiatives including:
- Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy, in partnership with the ports of Seattle and Tacoma, and the Northwest Seaport Alliance, with a shared vision of phasing out port related emissions by 2050.
- EcoAction vessel incentive program, offering reduced feeds to vessels that go beyond requirement to reduce air emissions and other environmental impacts.
- International Collaboration on Ship Emission Reductions Initiative, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of clean vessel incentive programs and environmental infrastructure world-wide.
- Shore power at cruise and container terminals that allows vessels to turn off auxiliary engines while at berth and connect to the primarily hydro-based, low emission electricity grid.
- LNG bunkering capacity expected to be available by 2022
- Pilot projects to trial low carbon, sustainable marine fuels.
- Participation in global collaborations to further support decarbonization, such as the Getting to Zero Coalition and the Blue Sky Maritime Coalition.