

The Port of Antwerp was one of the first ports to have an operational OPS installation up and running back in 2009. During the years this installation was not extended to wider use and was discontinued. Further port development and change of destination for that terminal ended the project in 2019.

At this moment there is no operational OPS installation for seagoing ships available.

 The Port of Antwerp has invested in OPS for the inland shipping sector, their own fleet and river cruises, with onshore power supply available for these vessel types

Availability can be found on our website:

 In the near future The Port of Antwerp plans to provide the OPS infrastructure for seagoing ship, commencing with liner traffic vessels. The port identified high potentials terminals in 2019 and is currently looking into partnerships to realise OPS.

Reducing at berth emissions in the port is a main priority for the future.

For more information, please contact: