IAPH partners up with the International Chamber of Shipping and the Clean Energy Maritime Taskforce to develop initiative with CEM governments to increase supply of zero-carbon fuels
Tag: Clean Marine Fuels
IAPH launches Global Ports Hydrogen Coalition portal on its WPSP website
First hydrogen-related port projects have their own portal on sustainableworldports.org
IAPH and The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel team up to accelerate progress on provision of low & zero carbon fuels at ports
MOU outlines how SGMF and IAPH plan to share knowhow on safe, effective, sustainable supply and use of all gases as marine fuel
CEOs meet at third virtual conference to discuss maritime decarbonization efforts
The WPCAP boulder starts to move
Post MEPC 75, IAPH commits to continuing critical work of catalysing decarbonisation of the shipping sector – on the landside
IAPH looks towards its Environmental Ship Index and Clean Marine Fuels Working Group to support recent proposals put forward at MEPC 75
IAPH Clean Marine Fuels Working Group and Environmental Ship Index team take next steps forward in Yokohama
IAPH working groups on the Environmental Ship Index and Clean Marine Fuels met this week in Japan to discuss new stages for their respective solutions
IAPH LNG bunkering audit tool already used to licence operations at Port of Rotterdam
Port of Rotterdam’s Cees Boon showcases LNG bunkering audit tool developed by the IAPH Clean Marine Fuels Working Group for port authorities at the LNG Ship/Shore Conference in London. LNG bunkering operations set to grow exponentially...