The “VALPARAÍSO PUERTO PLUS” initiative sets a continuous learning process targeting the integration between the port and the local communities in the broader Gran Valparaíso area. Through working together and through collective intelligence gathering between the port and the surrounding communities, the initiative aims towards the integrated coastal management of the metropolitan area of Valparaiso bay that contains the communities of Valparaiso, Viña del Mar and Concón.
The first phase of the Project started in 2016 and established a cooperation framework between the port and 4 local universities. At first, through internal multidisciplinary working groups, each university proposed a series of projects and initiatives. A scientific committee bringing together representatives from each university, the port and external stakeholders such as local authorities, institutions, trade associations and companies, was then established to evaluate the different project proposals. Four project proposals were then selected incorporating the comments and feedback of the Committee. The process took 8 months and concluded with an international symposium and the publication of a booklet presenting the selected projects.
The second phase in 2017 and 2018 established an International call for the Public Competition of Projects entitled “Actions on the coastline of the Great Valparaíso area”. The jury brought together representatives of the Intendance, the 3 municipalities, associations of architects and engineers of Chile. 5 finalist proposals were chosen, who participated in the XX Architecture Biennial of Chile. Through permanent exhibition stands, citizen participation, panel of experts, exhibitions in a public plenary, and further analysis by three international city planning experts, the projects were further scrutinized. At the end, the project proposals were finalised including their associated management and financing plan. The process took 9 months and ended up with the publication of the “Book of Actions on the coastline of the Great Valparaíso area”.