While cruising is currently suspended in Canadian waters due to COVID-19, our cruise business development team is busy working on improving the passenger experience when tourists visit Port Saint John. They have several new initiatives which are currently being rolled out.
1) A “Business and Community Cruise Liaison Committee” model to improve the sustainability of cruise in our region. This committee consists of 12 members from economic development, business associations, community groups and other cruise stakeholders. The committee has monthly meetings where members can provide input on overall cruise sentiment and the current focus, cruise resumption. Once cruise returns to our Port they will shift focus to relevant initiatives to keep the focus on sustainable growth of cruise in our region. Before creating this committee, stakeholders were consulted to share ideas, feedback and suggestions.
2) Honouring our commitment to inclusivity and collaboration, over 600 cruise tourism beneficiaries from restaurant owners to tour operators will be completing surveys to identify gaps and needs to collectively help improve the passenger experience. This holistic approach will help ensure that all groups encountered by cruise guests are equipped to deliver a ‘wow’ destination experience.
The impact of these initiatives will be measured by passenger satisfaction ratings and through internal surveys with the committee and beneficiaries on effectiveness of the program.
Our Vice President of Trade & Business Development is the National Chair of the Association of Canadian Port Authorities (ACPA) Cruise Committee where we will be sharing best practices and collaborating towards the common goal of cruise resumption. Our Cruise Development Manager also sits on the executive team of the Atlantic Canada Cruise Association (AACA) and is chair of their marketing committee. Best practices will also be shared with them.
This project touches SDG’s; 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities & 17- Partnerships for the Goals