The Port of Yokohama is actively looking at LNG as means of compliance with the 2020 IMO regulations on marine fuels and SOx emissions. The port has welcomed in 2015 the first LNG fueled tugboat “Sakigake” and accommodated its truck-to-ship bunkering operation. As a next step, the port focuses on the installation of ship-to-ship bunkering operation by utilizing LNG facilities adjacent to the port. Since 2016, under the leadership of YKIP (Yokohama Kawasaki International Port corporation), the Port of Yokohama has moved into the second phase in terms of LNG bunkering development, by setting up a steering committee and looking for international cooperation and partners.
On November 5th of 2018, YKIP invested and established a joint venture, named Ecobunker Shippping, with Sumitomo and Uyeno. Ecobunker Shipping will build and operate the first LNG bunkering vessel in Tokyo bay which will start its service within 2020. This project is also supported by the national fund of Japan, as a pioneer project to encourage more adoption of cleaner marine fuel. At the same time, the Port of Yokohama is in consideration of suitable incentive program for LNG fueled vessels calling the port and is an active member of the IAPH working group on Clean Marine Fuels.