Increased environmental consciousness in Port of Batangas was a result of concerted efforts of employees triggered by the institutionalization of Port Safety, Health and Environmental Management System (PSHEMS), a mechanism for implementing PSHEM Code. The latter is a tool that enables port authorities to assess and improve operational procedures consistent with relevant and applicable international and national regulations, guidelines and standards. After certified by Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), Port of Batangas has gone far in implementing environmental programs. In 2017, Port of Batangas was awarded Green Port Award System (GPAS) conferred by APEC Port Services Network (APSN).
Among the significant milestones of Port of Batangas in its Greening Project are:
- Establishment of 2.37hectare Tree Park planted with indigenous species. This helps in the absorption of CO2 and other air pollutants, and improves the microclimatic condition at the port.
- Earth-Balling Permit secured from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to salvage trees affected by the construction of multi-level parking.
- Replacement of streetlights into solar panel lights along major street which generated a monthly average savings of 14,976 kilowatt/hr with an equivalent monetary value of Php127,296.00. Additional solar panel completed in 2018 provided an additional monthly savings of 5,452.80kw/hr with an equivalent monetary value of Php45,501.06.
- Installed motion-sensor for lighting facilities at warehouse
- Replacement of High Pressure Sodium Lamps with LED that served as lighting fixture in pier and yard
- Replacement of lighting fixtures with LED bulbs.
- Attainment of Integrated Management System EHSQ Objective of 5% energy reduction from the time it was implemented. The port attained 6% reduction after IMS implementation.
- Designation of Pollution Control Officers to monitor port’s environmental performance.
- Continuous implementation of Environmental Education Extension program.