The Coogee Maritime Trail was established by City of Cockburn and Subcon in 2016 as a community dive trail in the Port Coogee (a private port development inside the Port of Fremantle). It includes a ship wreck and 35 reef habitats and art works. It has been expanded in 2019 to include an additional 24 reef habitats, a sea grass meadow and mussel beds. Designed specifically to provide juvenile fish habitat, it has become one of the world’s largest living harbour projects. Designated a “no take” fishing zone it supports the fishery in Cockburn Sound with cleaner water, more fish, more food and increased species diversity.
The dive trail primary purpose is to provide a recreational amenity. Families, schools and businesses use the dive trail to learn to Snorkle and Dive, to stay fit or just to relax. Schools now run outdoor education programs, workers enjoy their lunch breaks, and families spend weekends teaching kids to snorkle. At the same time they learn about the environment and how coastal port infrastructure can be integrated into the marine environment in a sustainable and productive way that enriches the community.