One of four strategic priorities in our 2022 Sustainability Strategy is to ‘Support Thriving Communities’. We understand that our ability to create value over the long term is predicated on our social license to operate and on being considered a ‘Good Neighbour’. We are a proud local employer and active partner in the communities in which we operate through our Community Investment program. One pillar of this program is our Community Grants.
Established in 2021 we run an annual campaign to deliver one-off financial support to local projects, services and initiatives that benefit the communities surrounding Port Botany, Port Kembla and the Enfield and Cooks River Intermodal Terminals. Over the last two years we have invested over $375,000 into the community via the 41 local organizations and groups we have been able to support. Environmental projects, multicultural and First Nations initiatives, social services, local sport and school programs are among the types of projects supported.
We use the Business for Societal Impact Framework to measure the impact of our community investment program. Post implementation surveys completed by organizations that have received a NSW Ports grant show that 100% of grantees have been able to provide an improved or new service, 22% have reached more or spent more time with the beneficiaries of their product or service, 33% have been able to take on more staff or volunteers and 67% have increased their profile in the community.