For safety and security reasons, JadeWeserPort introduced together with Niedersachsen Ports in 2016 an “Emergency Notification System” called “RapidReach”. “RapidReach” is an online based system which allows the operator to react in an emergency situation without using expensive hardware or special devices. Just a cellphone or a simple PC with a web browser and internet access is needed. The provider operates many servers all over the world and ensures high redundancy. The main achievement of RapidReach is the shortening of the response time for alerting the relevant personnel and institutions in case of an emergency from hours to just a few minutes.
In 2017, the system was rolled out at all sea ports of Lower Saxony. First application was to alert all relevant authorities, port and terminal operators and other companies in case of stormy weather situations. Next, different scenarios were established regarding ISPS security levels for thirteen seaports. All security relevant persons at seaports of Lower Saxony got involved. In the future, RapidReach will also be used for other emergency situations like accidents involving people or hazardous material.
The system allows the Port Officers on watch to activate a scenario and the system makes the alarming calls on a fully automated manner within few minutes. On the status screen the officer can review the replies of the relevant persons and can prepare the countermeasures on that basis. When a person can not be reached, his deputy is alerted by fixed rules.