Gladstone Ports Corporation’s (GPC) Sustainable Sediment Management Project (SSMP) is ensuring resilient infrastructure for the Port of Gladstone by establishing long-term management options for maintenance dredging and the relocation of sediment. The SSMP is engaging and collaborating with a diverse group of stakeholders including Council, government agencies, Indigenous groups, industry, community and environment groups, to identify and determine the feasibility of these management options. These partnerships are vital to establish solutions that are both sustainable for the planet while also ensuring effective and efficient port services to future-proof the prosperity of the port for our customers, shareholders and the region.
The project is the first of its kind for GPC and is paving the way for collaborative approaches for identifying innovative, sustainable solutions for managing our ports. A key component in this approach was to understand what our stakeholders valued and incorporating these values with the potential impacts of an activity when evaluating the options. Detailed feasibility studies are currently underway to determine how the top-performing options from the stakeholder evaluation can be trialed, or implemented, in a manner that meets the requirements of all government agencies.
The SSMP has been driven by GPC’s senior management as part of our vision to be Australia’s premier multi-commodity port and aligning with our mission to responsibly manage, develop and facilitate the prosperity of others by operating our port facilities and services in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner. The SSMP is now being replicated in GPC’s ports of Rockhampton and Bundaberg.