Gladstone Ports Corporation’s (GPC) Indigenous Affairs Strategy is focussed on improving relationships, understanding and opportunities for the Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Australian South Sea Islander communities in which GPC operates. We recently formally reaffirmed this commitment through our third Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in partnership with Traditional Owners groups through our Future Directions Community Liaison Group.
GPC was the first port authority in Australia to develop a RAP and remain the only port authority to have a Reconciliation Australia endorsed RAP. Over the past decade, GPC has almost tripled its Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Australian South Sea Islander workforce to 30 employees (4.08%) as of June 2019. GPC offers a Cross Industry Operations traineeship program, which supports future Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Australian South Sea Islander leaders in their journey from education and training to employment and long-term career pathways. Our 18-month traineeship is unique as it gives trainees exposure to a vast range of roles and skills in various departments throughout the business such as Administration, Warehouse Operations, Building Services, Parks and Recreation and Marine Operations.
GPC has also engaged with Traditional Owners of the region – the Byellee, Gooreng Gooreng, Gurang and Taribelang Bunda people – to provide significant language for the naming of meeting rooms and landmarks within our precincts. Our Indigenous Affairs Strategy and RAP is championed by GPC’s Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer and People, Community and Sustainability General Manager, and implemented by our Indigenous Affairs team.