Agreement brings all of Port Australia's member ports on board the IAPH's WPSP Program in one signature
Antwerp, September 13th, 2018
Following its Biennial Conference in Darwin in the last week of August, Ports Australia has accepted the invitation to join the World Ports Sustainability Program (WPSP). The WPSP is an initiative by the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH). Guided by the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the Program aims to enhance and coordinate future sustainability efforts of ports worldwide, foster international cooperation with partners in the supply chain.
Ports Australia represents some 80 Australian Ports, which includes all of the country’s metro Ports. It also has six Marine Authority members, including several State-level Departments for Transport and Infrastructure.

Ports Australia’s Chief Executive, Mike Gallacher, commented: “Ports Australia is delighted to join a group of organisations that are working together to enhance and coordinate future sustainability efforts of communities worldwide that incorporate ports.
"Australian Ports operate in a diverse range on environments and communities and each one is faced with its own unique challenges. There has been a deep-rooted understanding and respect in Australia for our unique environments and the communities that rely on our Ports. This has driven port operators to constantly explore innovative ways of running their terminals. From solar power, to marine rehabilitation, eliminating toxic fire-fighting foam and building a resilient and diverse workforce, Australian Ports have much to be proud of and we want to share our experiences with the wider global port community.”
An important addition with a wealth of knowledge
Since its inauguration in earlier this year, the IAPH's World Ports Sustainability Program is now ready to focus on key areas of collaboration whilst growing it's international membership.
IAPH's Managing Director Patrick Verhoeven said : "The addition of Ports Australia is major step forward for us. Quite a number of their members have already embarked on initiatives that enhance resilient infrastructure, improve energy usage, and focus on challenges directly related to climate change, safety and security, governance and community outreach. Ports Australia have worked hard to facilitate and share some of these nationally with their members and have now committed to take that further with the WPSP. IAPH members of the Program and its founding partners will now actively encourage Australian ports to get involved in global projects that have been initiated such as the Environmental Shipping Index, where Australia is already represented by NSW Ports."
With the agreement signed, both signatories are expected to commence work in the near future in the fields of governance, the optimization of vessel calls, environmental landside management and LNG bunkering.
“Our Ports are actively seeking better ways to operate and we are looking forward to engaging with the WPSP to learn and share our knowledge and experience with the world,” Mike Gallacher concluded.
About Ports Australia
Ports Australia is the peak industry body representing port authorities and corporations, both publicly and privately owned, at the national level. The organisation seeks to advance Australia through a strong Port community. Ports Australia provides a conduit for best Port practice and ideas between members through working groups, conferences and online resources.
Contact : Michael Fairbairn, Communications Director
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Tel : +61 2 9247 7581
About the World Ports Sustainability Program (WPSP)
On 12 May 2017 the International Association of Ports and Harbors decided to set up a World Ports Sustainability Program. Guided by the 17 UN SDGs the program wants to enhance and coordinate future sustainability efforts of ports worldwide and foster international cooperation with partners in the supply chain. The World Ports Sustainability Program The World Ports Sustainability Program covers five main areas of collaboration between IAPH member ports : resilient infrastructure, climate and energy, safety and security, community outreach and port-city dialogue, governance and ethics.
Contact : Victor Shieh, Communications Partner
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Tel : +32 473 980 855