UN Sustainable Development Goal 17 is about partnerships to develop the UN 2030 Agenda. In that spirit, the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has set up an international PPP Centre of Excellence that prepares international standards for public-private partnerships which are compliant with the UN SDGs. As part of this initiative, a series of specialist international centres have been established, including one for ports, set up in Beirut and hosted by the Republic of Lebanon. The International Centre of Excellence in PPP for Ports (ICE4P) will identify PPP best practice models in ports, establish a digital database and library of all PPP port projects in the world and develop international standards. The centre is supported by the World Bank and UNCTAD and ties are being forged with WPSP to ensure involvement of the port sector.
International Centre of Excellence in PPP for Ports established
UN Sustainable Development Goal 17 is about partnerships to develop the UN 2030 Agenda. In that spirit, the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has set up an international PPP Centre of Excellence that prepares international...