29 April 2020
Presented as part of a package of relief measures to help the European transport industry during the COVID-19 crisis, the European Commission has issued yesterday an amendment proposal to its 2017 Ports Regulation, introducing a transitional measure which should provide Member States with the option to allow port authorities to waive, suspend, reduce or defer the payment of port infrastructure charges. The Commission argues the amendment will provide shipping companies, including those operating ferries, with much-needed liquidity. The proposed new measure will apply to port infrastructure charges due for the period between 1 March 2020 and 31 December 2020. The proposal still needs to obtain approval of EU Member States and the European Parliament. The Commission’s transport relief package is meant to solve practical problems, remove administrative burdens, and increase flexibility. The package includes measures to support the aviation, rail, maritime, inland navigation and road sectors, ensuring that no single player is hit harder than any other, as the entire sector moves on from the travel restrictions put in place during the coronavirus pandemic. Additional proposals may follow in the coming weeks.