IAPH joins ICS at CEM Hubs side event of CEM15 in Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil

Prumo Logistica Institutional Relations Officer Eduardo Kantz presents the IAPH Future Fuels Toolkit at CEM15

New global architecture for renewable fuels transport takes a major step forward

  • The Clean Energy Marine Hubs (CEM Hubs) welcomes the government of Greece to the initiative. As the country representing 20% of global shipping, Greece joins the governments of Brazil, UAE, Canada, Norway, Uruguay and Panama, as supporters of this first of its kind cross sectoral public-private platform.
  • ·The World Economic Forum’s Transitioning Industrial Clusters initiative joins forces with the CEM Hubs as a new partner alongside key shipping organisations ABS, Lloyd’s Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub and OCIMF to support the Energy Hubs initiative.
  • CEM Hubs initiative will be meeting directly with energy ministers at the Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting (CEM15) in Brazil to accelerate the development of the renewable fuels transport architecture and to agree implementation of the work programme.

Wednesday 2 October 2024, Brazil:

Prumo Logistica* Institutional Relations Officer Eduardo Kantz represented IAPH at the dedicated CEM Hubs event today during the Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting (CEM15) which supports the G20 Energy Transition Agenda in Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil. Eduardo informed the participants of the forthcoming launch of first digital version of the Port Readiness Level for Marine Fuels (PRL-MF) self-assessment tool that will take place next week in Hamburg during the World Ports Conference on 9 October. He outlined the current PRL-MF tool that was developed by IAPH in partnership with the World Ports Climate Action Program (WPCAP) and Mission Innovation and he explained the next development phases that IAPH and partnerships are committed to as part of their contribution to the CEM Hubs initiative work program. These include the development of two additional checklists for port readiness assessment next to the current one for bunkering ports, one for ports getting ready to accommodate calls by vessels propelled by low and zero carbon fuels, and one for calls by vessels transporting these fuels as cargo.

Participants of the Energy Hubs: Moving the Fuels of the Future, Production and Transportation Aligned Side Event at CEM15

Government of Greece joins the CEM Hubs Initiative

The Clean Energy Marine Hubs (CEM Hubs) welcomes the government of Greece and new partners ABS, Lloyd’s Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub, OCIMF and the World Economic Forum to the initiative that aims to accelerate and de-risk the production, transport and use of low-carbon fuels that will be transported by shipping for the world. Greece is one of the leading maritime countries in the world, representing 20% of global shipping and is largest ship-owning nation in dwt, and will play a significant role in driving forward the initiative.

The Minister of Environment and Energy, Greece, Mr. Theodoros Skylakakis, highlights that: “The protection of the marine environment is at the top of Greece’s political agenda. The contribution of the oceans and seas is not only vital for the regulation of the climate, but also for our very survival on the planet. Climate change as well as marine pollution, through (amongst others) unsustainable maritime transport, lead to the destruction of the marine environment and the loss of the unique biodiversity. We are therefore committed to the CEM- Hubs Initiative and are happy to join forces with all other partners to achieve our shared goals.”

The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Island Policy Greece, Mr. Christos Stylianides, stated that: “Greece decided to join the CEM Hubs platform on the basic understanding that promoting the worldwide use and transportation of low-carbon fuels at scale is the most essential prerequisite for the energy transition of shipping. Being a traditional maritime nation with a strong interest in the provision of maritime transport services worldwide, and as a shipping hub in the Eastern Mediterranean, we will be delighted to work with all CEM Hubs partners and contribute to its objectives.”

Additional partners join the CEM Hubs

New partners joining the initiative each bring unique skills and expertise to evolve the CEM Hubs to the next level. The World Economic Forum is the international organization for public-private cooperation, providing a global, impartial and not-for-profit platform for meaningful connection between stakeholders. ABS is a global leader in providing classification services for marine and offshore assets. Lloyd’s Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub is also a leading provider in decarbonisation services to the marine industry. Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) is a voluntary association of oil companies with an interest in the shipment and terminalling of crude oil, oil products, petrochemicals and gas.

The announcement was made today during the Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting (CEM15) which supports the G20 Energy Transition Agenda. The maritime industry and energy Ministers met to discuss how to move forward with the implementation of the infrastructure architecture for future fuels production, transport and use across countries and sectors, including shipping.

Roberto Bocca Head, Centre for Energy and Materials; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum:

“Embracing a low-emissions energy system will require resilient digital and physical infrastructure to support the deployment of new technologies. Industrial clusters such as marine hubs will play a critical role in establishing the necessary infrastructure for a multi-fuel future. This partnership between the World Economic Forum's Transitioning Industrial Clusters initiative and the Clean Energy Marine Hubs aims to accelerate public-private collaboration to drive economic growth, employment and reducing emissions.”

Esben Poulsson, Chair of the Clean Energy Marine Hubs Industry Taskforce, commented:

“As the International Maritime Organization looks for fuels for ships, we look to fuels for the world. De-risking and accelerating the global energy transition is a critical issue for the world as a whole which is why we are so pleased to welcome the government of Greece, ABS, Lloyd’s Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub, OCIMF and the World Economic Forum to the CEM Hubs. It is encouraging to see the recognition this initiative is garnering and the valuable expertise and knowledge that each partner brings to the table is second to none. We look forward to working with all our partners to tie energy planning, infrastructure at ports and the link to the maritime transition going forward.”

The initiative is co-led by the governments of Canada and the UAE, with active participation from Brazil, Norway, Uruguay and Panama, and continues to build momentum. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) are also supporters of the initiative.

The CEM Hubs initiative is aligned with World Economic Forum’s Transitioning Industrial Clusters initiative. Through the Transitioning Industrial Clusters initiative, the World Economic Forum aims to improve cooperation and common vision from co-located companies and public institutions to drive economic growth, employment and the energy transition. Launched by the World Economic Forum at COP26 with four industrial clusters, the initiative has grown to 23 industrial clusters (19 port-anchored) across 12 countries on four continents.

The CEM Hubs initiative, which is co-led by a taskforce of CEOs, is a unique partnership between the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS). It is a first of its kind cross-sectoral public-private platform and was officially adopted by the Clean Energy Ministerial in July 2023.

For more information on the initiative please click here.

Notes to Editors

About CEM Hubs

The Clean Energy Marine Hubs initiative aims to de-risk and accelerate the production of low-carbon fuels at scale, for shipping to transport and use. Shipping will be a key enabler to transport these fuels for the world, supporting the wider energy transition to the world. The initiative was proposed by the International Chamber of Shipping and the International Association of Ports & Harbors under the banner of Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM). It is a is a first-of-its-kind, cross-sectoral public-private platform jointly led by an industry task force of CEOs and energy ministers.

About ICS

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is the principal international trade association for merchant shipowners and operators, representing all sectors and trades and over 80% of the world's merchant fleet – www.ics-shipping.org.

About IAPH

Founded in 1955, the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) has developed into a global alliance of 189 port authorities as well as 162port-related businesses. Comprised of over 80 different nationalities across the world’s continents, member ports handle over one third of the world’s sea-borne trade and well over 60% of the world container traffic. IAPH leads global port industry initiatives on decarbonisation and energy transition, risk and resilience management, and accelerating digitalisation in the maritime transport chain. The IAPH’s World Ports Sustainability Program has grown into the reference database of best practices of ports applying the UN Sustainable Development Goals and integrating them into their businesses -  www.iaphworldports.org.

*Prumo Logistica are, together with Port of Antwerp-Bruges International, partners of Porto do Açu Operações, the port administrator and landlord of IAPH member Porto do Açu.

About the Clean Energy Ministerial

The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is a high-level global forum to promote policies and programmes that advance clean energy technology, to share lessons learned and best practices, and to encourage the transition to a global clean energy economy. Initiatives are based on areas of common interest among participating governments and other stakeholders. The CEM brings together a community of the world’s largest and leading countries, companies and international experts to achieve one mission –accelerate clean energy transitions – www.cleanenergyministerial.org.

About the World Economic Forum’s Transitioning Industrial Clusters initiative

The initiative, which is supported by Accenture and EPRI, aims to mobilize the full economic, employment and energy potential of industrial clusters. Through a structured approach to financing, policy, technology and partnerships, combined with best practices from committed clusters, the Initiative is working to improve cooperation and common vision around the energy transition, jobs and growth – https://initiatives.weforum.org/transitioning-industrial-clusters/home


The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) is a voluntary association of oil companies with an interest in the shipment and terminalling of crude oil, oil products, petrochemicals and gas. OCIMF focuses exclusively on preventing harm to people and the environment by promoting best practice in the design, construction and operation of tankers, barges and offshore vessels and their interfaces with terminals.

Vision: A global marine industry that causes no harm to people or the environment.

Mission: To lead the global marine industry in the promotion of safe and environmentally responsible transportation of crude oil, oil products, petrochemicals and gas, and to drive the same values in the management of related offshore marine operations.

We do this by developing best practices in the design, construction and safe operation of tankers, barges and offshore vessels and their interfaces with terminals and considering human factors in everything we do – https://www.ocimf.org/.

About Lloyd’s Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub

The Lloyd’s Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub is an independent, not-for-profit social purpose organisation, working towards our vision of a safe, sustainable, and human-centric decarbonised shipping industry for the benefit of society. Formed in 2020 with a grant from Lloyd’s Register Foundation, and in partnership with Lloyd’s Register Group, we are an evidence-led research and action unit. Our team of specialists in economics, fuels, risk & safety engineering, human factors, and analytics deliver research, insights, and implementation pathways to future fuels across the maritime supply chain. For more information, go to www.maritimedecarbonisationhub.com.